Route Planner & New Zealand Map

Our New Zealand Route Planner & New Zealand Transport Agency Journey Planner provides detailed information on the distance between any two locations in New Zealand. Additionally, it displays road closures, road works, road hazards, area warnings, traffic cameras, traffic time signs, message signs, EV charging locations, and various parameters for car routes in New Zealand.

New Zealand Transport Agency Journey Planner

Journey Planner
New Zealand Transport Agency Journey Planner

Plan your New Zealand Itinerary with Route Planner

– generate routes from an arbitrary starting point to your desired tourist attraction in New Zealand, such as a recreational center, camping site, or hotel
– calculate the driving time between locations with Route Planner New Zealand
– estimate the fuel consumption and cost based on the length of the route

NZ Average Fuel Prices

New Zealand EV Charging Stations

EV chargers

Detailed New Zealand Map

Get Driving Directions for Touring in New Zealand with Google Maps

You can also use Google Maps to get directions for driving, public transit, walking, ride-sharing, cycling, flying, or riding a motorcycle in New Zealand. The best route to your destination is shown in blue, while all other routes are in gray.

Google Map

New Zealand Road Trip

Download our 2 Week New Zealand Itinerary Sample in PowerPoint or PDF file

2025/2026 Tour Package Deals

Are you looking for deals? Book early and save up to 10% on your next New Zealand tour. If you are interested in discounted tours in New Zealand, fill out our Enquiry form and we will send you our best offer.
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