When planning your trip to New Zealand, it’s important to take a few precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
Fortunately, you don’t need to be vaccinated against any specific diseases to enter the country. In the event of feeling threatened or insecure, you can seek assistance from the police by dialing 111 on any phone.
If you bring a large quantity of medication, be sure to have a doctor’s certificate on hand. In the unlikely event of an injury while in New Zealand, the ACC will cover all medical costs until you recover, though compensatory damages cannot be pursued in court.
New Zealand has no harmful animals like venomous snakes, scorpions or venomous insects, so its sole venomous native spider – the rare katipō.
Additionally, it’s important to be mindful of variable weather conditions, sand flies, giardia, and sunburn. If you’re planning on heading out into remote areas, it’s a good idea to pack a first aid kit.
And remember, smoking is banned in all public places, so be sure to step outside if you need to light up. Finally, be aware that a doctor’s prescription is required to purchase certain drugs in New Zealand, and customs officials are strict on enforcing this requirement.