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Zealandia by Night Tour Wellington

Price: Included In Your Tour Package
Location: 53 Waiapu Road, Karori, Wellington 6012
Duration: 2.5 hours (minimum age: 12 years)
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Zealandia by Night Tour: Located just 13 minutes away from downtown Wellington, ZEALANDIA is a unique and magical eco-sanctuary that is worth visiting. This predator-proof sanctuary is home to over 180 kiwis, making it one of the best places to spot these remarkable birds in New Zealand. However, please note that sightings are not guaranteed.

During your evening tour, your guide will lead you through the sanctuary valley by torchlight, allowing you to experience the distinctive sights and sounds of the New Zealand native forest. You will have the opportunity to see many of the rare and endangered species that only come out at night, such as kiwis foraging on the forest floor, tuataras hunting for food, glow-worms shining, tiny Maud Island frogs in their enclosure, and kākā (parrots) coming in to roost. You may also hear the high-pitched call of kiwis, the ghostly echo of the ruru (morepork), the scritch-scritch of tree wētā, the skylark of kākā and the rustling of other nocturnal creatures.

The tour includes a replenishing cup of hot kawakawa (bushman’s tea) in the Visitors Centre. The duration of the tour is 2.5 hours, and the minimum age requirement is 12 years.

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