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Moeraki Boulders, Koekohe Beach

Price: Included In Your Tour Package
Location: Otago Coast
Duration: Day Tour
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Moeraki, Otago, Photo Credit: Miles Holden


New Zealand’s Mystery by the Sea: The Moeraki Boulders

Imagine a beach scattered with giant, perfectly round boulders like scattered marbles. That’s the sight that greets visitors to Koekohe Beach, New Zealand, home to the fascinating Moeraki Boulders. These geological wonders have captivated hearts (and sparked imaginations) for centuries.


Million-Year-Old Marvels

The Boulders are colossal, some reaching up to two meters (6.5 feet) in diameter and weighing several tons. But their most striking feature is their near-perfect spherical shape. Unlike pebbles smoothed by the sea, these giants formed millions of years ago deep within the seabed. Slowly, minerals like calcite crystallized around a core, forming the concretions we see today. Erosion by waves eventually exposed them, gifting us this extraordinary beachside display.


Maori Legend and Modern Science

Maori legend offers a different explanation. They say the Boulders are gourds and eel baskets washed ashore from a wrecked canoe, Arai Te Uru. While science provides a more grounded explanation, the Maori legend adds a layer of cultural richness to the site.


Finding the Boulders

The Moeraki Boulders are located on Koekohe Beach, between the towns of Moeraki and Hampden on New Zealand’s South Island. Here’s how to get there:

  • By Car: The Boulders are easily accessible by car. From Dunedin, take State Highway 1 north for about 75 kilometers (47 miles). From Oamaru, head south on State Highway 1 for roughly 40 kilometers (25 miles). The drive itself is scenic, so relax and enjoy the coastal beauty.


Important Information

  • Opening Hours: The Moeraki Boulders are accessible 24/7, so you can visit any time.
  • Facilities: There are limited facilities near the Boulders. Toilets and basic amenities can be found in Moeraki or Hampden.
  • Respect the Boulders: The Boulders are a scientific reserve. Please admire them from a distance and avoid climbing on them.


A Must-See on Your New Zealand Adventure

Whether you’re a geology buff, a history enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates natural wonders, the Moeraki Boulders are a must-see on your New Zealand adventure. Soak in the beauty of these ancient spheres, ponder the Maori legend, and capture some truly unique photos. Just remember, these are natural treasures to be cherished, not climbed on.


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